Performance and workshop made for and conducted at a yatra with artists-in-residence at Artscape Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island, Toronto, Canada. Documentation of the performance, as shown here in part, was published in More Than Enough, self-published zine in collaboration with Zoe Kreye, Catherine Grau, Cimmaron Knight, Bogdan Cheta and Luke Parnell
Performance and workshop made for and conducted at a yatra with artists-in-residence at Artscape Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island, Toronto, Canada. Documentation of the performance, as shown here in part, was published in More Than Enough, self-published zine in collaboration with Zoe Kreye, Catherine Grau, Cimmaron Knight, Bogdan Cheta and Luke Parnell. I guided a group of people to painting on their bodies what they yearned for; what shapes and colours they thought would help them; heal their pains, physical and emotional. Each person went through a visualisation exercise and told the group which colours and shapes their bodies were in need of in order to heal. The group then painted on that person what was asked for. Some asked for simple shapes and colours and others for large bodypaintings.